Your awareness of the importance of the Tutor qualification leads you to look for any solution for improvement and certification.
CERTITUDE project aims at supporting Academic Tutors in achieving a recognition of their competences.
The academic tutor guides people in their training paths, especially during work experience schemes (internship, apprenticeship…) to make them qualify and to encourage their employability.
The tutoring activity depends on the type of school (university, college, VET, higher education…), the type of training (technical, vocational…) and the type of trainees (young people, employees, unemployed).
Academic Tutors in VET are teachers who execute specific tasks to facilitate the relationship between the student, the enterprise and the school. They then highly contribute to the quality of learning and the professionalisation of learners thanks to their great efficacy.
Therefore, their capacity to ensure correct structure and quality of tutoring will allow:
The CERTITUDE project aims to address the expectations of professionals in education in relation withthe ISO 17024 standard.
The competencies expected for these academic tutors have been formalized, shared and validated with a group of sector experts for the sake of transparency and recognition of the profile.This competence specification is a key to the implementation of the certification scheme.
The CERTITUDE project builds upon the ISO-17024 standard for personel certification programme. Here is a short background introduction by the ISO on that standard.
Personnel certification has become an important element of verifying the competence of an increasingly mobile and global workforce, underscoring the value of industry-recognized credentials that can be carried across national borders.
In response to this growing need, a new and improved ISO/IEC International Standard aims to harmonize the various procedures used around the world for certifying the competence of personnel in different occupations or professions.
Read more: ISO/IEC 17024 standard for personnel's certification programmes
During the final CERTITUDE meeting which was held in Paris on September, 24th 2014, the certification of persons professionals exchanged on the contributions of the approach of the CERTITUDE project, in the process of certification of individual skills.
All the stakeholders of a certification approach have taken the opportunity to share their opinion and had discussion around the following documents. The meeting involved Certification bodies, national accreditation body, certifying bodies and experienced tutors who were involved in the test phase.
Read more: CERTITUDE Final Meeting, Paris, September 24th, 2014