The training packages designed to be used by trainers or intermediaries in relation to the key actors of the Vine and Wine sector (at large, including as well health and innovation actors for new products or valorisation of by-products).
However, the final aim / usage of the corresponding knowledge, know-how and attitudes is not forgotten. The market needs are kept in mind to fulfill the customers and the society needs.
The focus is made on the 5 key topics.
There is not one single and fixed training solution. The oeno-MAC coaching approach is based on a modular, flexible and adaptable solution:
- Coaching: the oeno-MAC solution encourages a coaching position of the trainers or the actor of the transfer of knowledge. Obviously, there will be some formal content/knowledge to be transferred, but an important part of the guidance to the trainer will be to ensure that the trainer/knowledge actor is not putting him/herself in a consulting mode and providing solution of his or her own point of view. Each case/situation depends on a specific environment and own development wills. The trainer/knowledge transfer actor will have to develop as much as possible the coaching part (i.e. to teach the trainee how to find solution, how to use knowledge, how to progress by him/herself, by peering exchanges with other participants, by interacting with his/her environment and the community that oeno-MAC will build.
- Flexible: the oeno-MAC solution will be based on EQF (European Qualification Framework) and ECVET (European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training). It will provide a complete knowledge context related to these 5 topics and to the identified job profiles.It is not foreseen to train the Farmers/Wine Producers/Health and Innovation actors on all the topics. The oeno-MAC structures its training solution so that individualised learning path can be set-up for each trainee. The ECVET system will finally enable the recognition of modules undertaken separetly within the context of a full learning dimension to ensure proper recognition. The oeno-MAC approach will also indicate corresponding Prior Experiential Learning validation ("VAE" in French, "Valorisation / Vaidation des Acquis de L'Expérience") as entry point or replacement os some modules.
- Adaptable: The training packages are built in a pool system of training materials, cases and tools so that the trainer/knowledge transfer actor is able to pick up elements to design his/her training course to fit the exact learning path needs of the participants to a specific session.