The oeno-MAC project will answer needs of the end-market (towards society and consumer needs) via a training of trainers solution targeted to the Vine and Wine key actors.
The oeno-MAC coaching solution will primarily provide tools and training materials to the trainers/technicians/intermediairies to train and coach the farmers (Vine aspects), the Wine producers and the health or innovation actors in relation to Wine and Vine sectors.
- The training materials: 5 guides (one each key topic) in the national languages of the partnership (EN, ES, FR, GR, HU, TR). This guide is a training of trainers guidance and includes a pool of training materials (slides, pictures, videos ...) that the trainer can use to build a training content adapted to each course depending on participants' profiles.
- on CD ROM
- & through an e-Learning repository for training of trainers
- Web tools in different languages:
- a public website;
- a collaborative intranet platform, including a central repository for valorisation of exchanges of good practices;
- and some web conference facilities (up to 30 participants), which could also be used for webinars session if relevant.
- Transnational conferences and seminars (5 during the 2 years of the project)
- Test and Pilot seminars in each country to validate the training content, methodology, tools and the recognition process of the acquired learning.
- Publication of promotion and dissemination brochures in national languages
- and a Decision Making solution, based on Enterprizer technology, to support business and marketing development of wine producers and sectors actors.
- The development of an EQF + ECVET approaches on some key target groups/job profiles.