ISPIM XXVth conference - "Innovation for Sustainable Economy and Society" - 8-11 June 2014, Dublin, Ireland
+ a presentation paper by MAC-Team at the conference in the section on "Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth".
ISPIM is the International Society for Professional Innovation Management.
The 2014 ISPIM Conference - "Innovation for Sustainable Economy and Society" is organised by ISPIM in partnership with Intel Labs Europe. This conference brings together more than 500 innovation experts from 50 countries: academics, business leaders, consultants and other professionals involved in innovation management. The conference format included facilitated themed sessions for academic and practitioner presentations together with interactive workshops and discussion panels.
The conference sub-themes by the submissions from academics, consultants and managers on innovation-related topics focused on the following topics:
- Innovation for Sustainable Societies (Focus Theme)
- Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth (Focus Theme)
- Business Models (SIG), Entrepreneurship, & Financing Innovation
- Collaboration for Innovation (inc. Networks & Clusters)
- Creativity in Innovation (Led by EACI)
- Early-stage Innovation (SIG)
- Green, Public & Social Innovation
- Innovation Training, Teaching & Coaching (SIG)
- Living Labs (SIG)
- Managing I.T. Capabilities for Innovation and Value (Led by IVI)
- Methods & Measurement of Innovation
- Open Innovation 2.0Service Innovation (SIG)
- Strategic Foresight, Strategic Agility & Future Orientation (SIG)
- Transferring Knowledge for Innovation (SIG).
MAC-Team will attend the conference, present a paper and chair a panel.
More info: