Bio Base Europe is the Europe's first open innovation and education centre for the biobased economy.
Flanders and The Netherlands have joined forces to build state-of-the-art research and training facilities to speed up the economic growth, innovation capacity, and sustainable development of our society.
Bio Base Europe consists of the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant and the Bio Base Europe Training Centre.
The Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant is a flexible and multi-purpose pilot plant for bio-based products and processes.
Read more: Bio Base Europe - Open Innovation & Education centre
[This article is based on the presentation of the Peroxicats FP7 project. Grant agreement nº: KBBE-2010-4-265397. Total budget: 4.3 million €; EC-funding: 3 million €]
Enzymes catalyzing redox reactions (oxidoreductases) represent an environmentally friendly alternative to harsh chemicals in industrial processes that include oxidative transformations for production of chemicals and other value-added products with large markets in developed and emerging economies.
Fungi and other microorganisms provide the wider and more easily exploitable source for oxidative enzymes.
However, the penetration of microbial oxidoreductases in the chemical markets is still low despite the recent discovery of very promising enzymes.
Read more: Peroxicats [peroxidases as biocatalysts] - FP7 EU project
Knowing what the client wants is the key factor to success in any type of business. News media, government agencies and political candidates need to know what the public thinks. Associations need to know what their members want. Large companies need to measure the attitudes of their employees. The best way to find this information is to conduct a survey.
Conducting surveys can be done very simply, or it can be very complicated, depending on how much you want to ask on the survey and the number of people to whom it is administered. Here some information for small/medium scale surveys. These are certainly not a strict prescription and they should be clearly adapted to your needs, especially if you go to larger/multiple target groups.
This article provides an overview of the key points related to surveys. It is divided into 12 web pages with a table of content...
Different types of evaluation can take place:
One should note that full separation of process and impact evaluation can be quite difficult and might not always be feasible.
Process evaluation supplements impact evaluation by exploring why savings were achieved. It may include examination of the adequacy of the data needed for subsequent impact evaluations.
Here is a short background introduction by the ISO on the ISO-17024 standard for personel certification programme.
Personnel certification has become an important element of verifying the competence of an increasingly mobile and global workforce, underscoring the value of industry-recognized credentials that can be carried across national borders. In response to this growing need, a new and improved ISO/IEC International Standard aims to harmonize the various procedures used around the world for certifying the competence of personnel in different occupations or professions.
Read more: ISO/IEC 17024 standard for personnel certification programmes