The Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (BUSINESS HUNGARY) is one of the non-educational partners of the INSIST partnership with important role in business connections, pilot trainings and dissemination activities.
Introduction of Business Hungary
The origin of the Organisation goes back to 1902, where the first “Federation of Industrialists” (GYOSZ) was formed as a result of a concrete need of an independent body to represent the interests of the industrial sector. In 1948 – similarly to other CEE countries – the organisation was suspended, and could only recover its status and function in 1990.
In 1998 the Federation of Industrialists and the Hungarian Employer's Association merged, creating the largest employers representative organisation (MGYOSZ) in Hungary.
The Confederation is based on the principles of voluntary decisions and the freedom of association and it operates independently from the government. The relationship between the members and the Confederation is based on a co-ordinated co-operation. The Confederation counts among his members more than 50 sectoral professional associations and 16 regional employers' associations. Beside these members many large corporations have joined the Confederation directly.
Through its functions of mediating and representing the member interests, the Confederation influences economic and labour policy-making. It represents the interests on a macro level and passes on the proposals worked out by its members. It maintains contacts with the Parliament, the government and state administration and makes every effort to represent the entrepreneurs' interests. It also prepares analyses, expresses opinions and prepares proposals on corporate and the current economic policy concepts.
The Confederation is presented in the following major consultation forums the Consultative Forum of the Industry and the Government (VKF), the National Economic and Social Council (NGTT), the National ILO Council and the Social Council. In terms of economic importance of enterprises belonging to the member organisations, the Confederation can rely on the widest base among employer's federations on the employer side of the National Council. The Confederation holds forums, consultations and publishes its own newsletter, "Magyar Gyáripar", to inform and promote entrepreneurs.
Following Hungary’s accession to the EU, since 2004 MGYOSZ/BUSINESSHUNGARY has been full member of the European employers’ federation, in the Union des Industries de la Communauté européenne (UNICE), since 2007 BUSINESSEUROPE. Thus the interest of the Hungarian medium-sized and large enterprises, as that of Social Partners is represented and protected also at European level. In order to pursue an effective lobbying in favor of its members, MGYOSZ as the only Hungarian employers’ organisation, has been running a representation office in Brussels since 2002.
Since 2004 MGYOSZ/BUSINESSHUNGARY has been member in the International Organisation of Employers (IOE). Where it promotes and defends the interests of employers, particularly within the frame work in the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
Business representation is extended to such global spheres as the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to OECD (BIAC) where MGYOSZ experts have been expressing the Hungarian opinion and position since 2006.
Within the framework of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ICIE), the Confederation maintains active partnership with industrialists’ organizations of the former CIS countries and CEE. Since 2005 MGYOSZ/BUSINESSHUNGARY has been the foundation member of CEE Federations Initiative beside the Austrian IV, the Slovak RÚZ, the Czech SP and Slovenian ZDS. The Croatian HUP joined the Initiative in 2006.
MGYOSZ is proud of its wide-spread bilateral relations and has signed several agreements of mutual assistance with partner federations in the EU and in third countries.
BUSINESS HUNGARY contacts for the INSIST project:
BBU website:
Gabriella Wágner-Tomcsik - tomcsik [-@-] mgyosz,hu
Katalin Klajkó - klajko [-@-] mgyosz,hu